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Fuld gets what he deserves

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Knock Out: CNBC Confirms Lehman CEO Punched at Gym

Network verifies reports Richard Fuld was attacked for financial institution's bankruptcy.

By Jeff Poor

Business & Media Institute

10/6/2008 3:59:29 PM

It seems anxiety from the financial crisis is reaching new highs, but the tipping point for one individual came at the Lehman Brothers gym in the midst of the company’s collapse.

While former Lehman CEO Richard Fuld was testifying before the House Oversight Committee Oct. 6, CNBC reported he had been punched in the face at the Lehman Brothers gym after it was announced the firm was going bankrupt. CNBC and Vanity Fair contributor Vicki Ward said Fuld was attacked at the gym on a Sunday following the bankruptcy.

“Frankly, I sat there and listened and I’m with the guy who apparently, the day before Barclays announced they were coming in and Lehman had already filed for bankruptcy, went over to him in the gym and punched him because that’s how I feel when I, you know, when I watched that,” Ward said on the Oct. 6 “Power Lunch.” “I didn’t think he was contrite at all, I thought he was arrogant.”

Ward confirmed previous reports about the incident that reportedly occurred Sept. 21 and said the information came from “two very senior sources.”

“From two very senior sources – one incredibly senior source – that he went to the gym after … Lehman was announced as going under. He was on a treadmill with a heart monitor on. Someone was in the corner, pumping iron and he walked over and he knocked him out cold. And frankly after having watched this, I’d have done the same too.”

Ward determined Fuld deserved the beating based on his testimony before the committee.

“I thought he was shameless,” Ward said. “I thought it was appalling. He blamed everyone. He blamed, as you say, ‘naked short sellers’ over and over in case we didn’t get the point, when in fact hedge funds like Harbinger had money locked up in Lehman and was shorting it to try and make the most of the money that they already had. He blamed everybody but himself.”

Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy in September 2008 and its assets were later snatched up by the British bank Barclays for $1.35 billion, which included Lehman’s Midtown Manhattan office tower with a $960 million price tag.


If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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People like Fuld represent a "different" class of people. Psychologists refer to them as "anti-social personality disorder". Previously, they were known as psychopaths and sociopaths. Regardless, they are people without conscience.


If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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I watched the hearing on CSpan. I was waiting, waiting, for the question "Where do you think the money comes from?"

I asked the same question to a couple of "Financial Advisers" I ran into at the Gym. At first they said the "Market". I responded "The traders, or the market in general?" Oh, the "Market".... I asked if they considered the NON trader to be part of the "Market". We danced and danced, till finally they admitted they were PARASITES. They did feel their days were numbered.


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I watched the hearing on CSpan. I was waiting, waiting, for the question "Where do you think the money comes from?"

I asked the same question to a couple of "Financial Advisers" I ran into at the Gym. At first they said the "Market". I responded "The traders, or the market in general?" Oh, the "Market".... I asked if they considered the NON trader to be part of the "Market". We danced and danced, till finally they admitted they were PARASITES. They did feel their days were numbered.

The problem is that you have crooked politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle who received (and continue to receive) vast amounts of money from the FIRE industries (finance, insurance and real estate). These very same politicians were the clowns who voted to give away what now amounts to about $900 billion dollars, and to make matters worse, they have someone from Lehman Bros. in charge of the program. Talk about letting the fox guard the hen house!!

People in America need to wake up. There is no such thing as republicans or democrats anymore. There are only those politicians who either take money from special interests and vote according to the pay off or, there are those politicians who still have a shred of decency in their heart and they actually think about the American people AND they understand the consequences of their actions. The latter are far and few between.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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"There is no such thing as republicans or democrats anymore. " I know. I just shake my head and wonder how the non-elected parrots of political buzz words, can't see they are playing into the age old "Divide and Conquer" strategy.


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The other interesting and suspicious thing that's happening now is that these CEO's and other executives of these companies are dumping their homes, condos and properties at fire sale prices. I suspect a lot of them are going to be fleeing the country soon, no doubt after they finish moving the taxpayer's $900 billion into Swiss bank accounts. The fun part about Switzerland is that it has NO extradition treaty with the USA. Fun huh?

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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