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GM LS 1 Aluminum V8 / Coolant Sealant Use

Bill A

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Any one in Caddyinfoland familiar with the LS 1 V8 used in late model Trans Ams/Camaros?

Wondering if the coolant sealant additive we use in the Northstars should be used in this aluminum block?

The owners manual sheds no info and I have not got a GM service manual for it yet.


Bill A

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Personal opinion only!

But I would use the GM part number product, or the very same material from Bar's Leaks, in ANY liquid cooled engine.

Sort of like chicken soup for cooling systems. What can it hurt?


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Based on our very positive experience with it, I would say that it would/could do no harm in an LS1 engine. I might also ask the guys on a Corvette or other LS1 forum to see if they've used it.

Jason(2001 STS, White Diamond)

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