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God darn punks, broke into my car

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whats with the stupid punks today, tried to steal my caddy by blowing out the window, and smashing the column. These morons left behind two cam corders on the back seat along with a night vision scope. Pissed me off something feirce. I vowed to my car that i would track down whoever did this and unleash some street justice. To bad the law will protect them, more than it will me!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...BUT, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "darn...that was fun!"


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whats with the stupid punks today, tried to steal my caddy by blowing out the window, and smashing the column. These morons left behind two cam corders on the back seat along with a night vision scope. Pissed me off something feirce. I vowed to my car that i would track down whoever did this and unleash some street justice. To bad the law will protect them, more than it will me!

I think the fact that they left behind obviously stolen goods tells me someone must have spooked them.

Did you check the camcorders to see if by chance the bozos were recording their escapades? It happens sometimes.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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Sounds that he is saying that the theives left behind his items that were of value. I had someone break into my 95 SLS about 3 months ago and steal a customers broken Pentium II 366MHZ laptop out of the back seat but leave the XBOX that was on the floor, the nextel I95 phone on the back seat, and never touched the trunk that had a new $4,000 Alienware laptop, and a new $3,500 Dell laptop in it.

Caddy_Grill.jpg2008 DTS
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Sounds that he is saying that the theives left behind his items that were of value.  I had someone break into my 95 SLS about 3 months ago and steal a customers broken Pentium II 366MHZ laptop out of the back seat but leave the XBOX that was on the floor, the nextel I95 phone on the back seat, and never touched the trunk that had a new $4,000 Alienware laptop, and a new $3,500 Dell laptop in it.

they went for the most out dated hunk of junk they could find! :D:lol: stupid criminals

EDIT: of course when i said junk it was because i was comparing it to the rest of the computers in your car at the time...they even missed the X BOX...sometimes i just wonder :huh:

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Excuse me but I never expected to have someone looking in my car. I was born and raised in this community and it is a promenent, low/no crime community in western Michigan. I know that this can happen anywhare but if you are raised here and never have to worry about such things, you never think of them.

Caddy_Grill.jpg2008 DTS
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Excuse me but I never expected to have someone looking in my car.  I was born and raised in this community and it is a promenent, low/no crime community in western Michigan.  I know that this can happen anywhare but if you are raised here and never have to worry about such things, you never think of them.

Time to start thinking of them.....

If these jerks broke into your car and almost got away with it, looks like they might be scoping out the neighborhood.

By the way, did you report this to the police so they know to patrol the area with a little more vigor?

Some advice from someone who grew up in NYC and is stranded in NJ:

NEVER leave stuff in your car. If anything, leave stuff in your trunk and make certain no one sees you putting the stuff in your trunk. Even the glove compartment is sometimes a no-no because if you're out somewhere, a lot of crooks think you will stash your wallet in the glove compartment.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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I had a Convt. that I never locked because I didnt want a theif cutting the top. So some dummy, at college where my son had it, broke out the window without even trying to see if the door was open. He got caught.

Where in W. MI. is there less crime than Greenville?

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Excuse me but I never expected to have someone looking in my car. I was born and raised in this community and it is a promenent, low/no crime community in western Michigan. I know that this can happen anywhare but if you are raised here and never have to worry about such things, you never think of them.

I grew up in a place like that too... My mother now tells me when I come visit, to lock everything up and/or bring it into the house... It's pretty sad actually when you remember the good ol' days when you didn't worry...

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I think the only reason these morons would attack a 95 Caddy is because of the neat stuff they saw in your car. Obviously something or someone scared them off and for this you should be thankful.

Canada of today is not Canada of old ----------- I won't even leave an empty shopping bag in my car anymore for fear it will entice someone to break in. This is not to say that you shouldn't drops the guys if and when you find them!

Good hunting!

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