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Interior Trim Coming Loose


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Have not had a problem for 2 years so I knew that once I posted to this forum I would start having trouble and now I need some help/advice. In my 97 Eldorado the trim that is around the left rear window behind the driver seat is pulling loose from the frame or whatever it is attached to.

The dealer said today that it has come loose and they would have to replace the whole piece (top to bottom), order the part and install for just over $500.00.

Anyone else had this problem with the interior? Can I just get something to reattach the trim or should I bite the bullet and let the dealer repair? Thanks for any help or suggestions!

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There is a TSB issued and a repair kit available.

Info - Repair Kit Available for Rear Quarter Trim Panel #00-08-110-005A

Repair Kit Available for Rear Quarter Trim Panel

1992-2002 Cadillac Eldorado

This bulletin is being revised to add model years and update the text. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 00-08-110-005 (Section 8 -- Body & Accessories).

Sagging/separation/warping of the rear quarter trim panel (1) from the rear window may occur to the above listed vehicles during very hot conditions.

A repair kit is available from GMSPO and is to be used instead of replacing the entire panel.

Repair instructions are included in the Quarter Trim Retainer Kit, P/N 12481204.

Parts Information

Part Number



Quarter Trim Retainer Kit

Parts are currently available from GMSPO.

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Logan, thanks for the reply. I went to Riverside today to inquire about the technical service bulletin. The service desk had no idea of what I was talking about and sent me to the parts department. After about 20 minutes of talking with 2 people there, they said they did not have technical bulletins, that the service desk has access to those and sent me back to service. So I go back to service and explain again. They could not locate anything on their computer either because the computer was not working properly, or maybe they didn't know how to pull it up. Grrrrrr!

So, I got tired of waiting and said I would be back on Monday. Do you know where I could locate a copy of the technical bulletin so I could take it to them? What is the number of the bulletin?

Since a repair kit is involved, it makes sense that the cost to repair would be less than the $500.00 quoted for the replacement panel. The parts department had no idea of the cost of such a kit. Any idea of a ballpark price to repair?

Thanks for the help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What I listed is a copy/paste of the actual bulletin.

The bulletin is #00-08-110-005A

The repair kit is part #12481204

The kit lists for $199 at GM. www.gmpartsdirect.com shows $113 plus the famous $$ shipping charges.

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I put this kit in my 94 ETC, in June 2002, and was very pleased with the results. I reported this in the old forum and if you could do a search there it would be: sail panels. I was unhappy with the poor quality of the instructions, they lacked phsical clarity and details. Look like they were duplicated on a 50's era mimiograph!

The kit repairs both sail panels and the area just below the little opera windows.

You have to remove the entire back seat and package shelf. Then you have to remove the entire sail (side) panel and snap in a metal stiffener.

Now I need something to repair the door posts where the trim is pulling loose. This in a car that probably has not seen the back seat used more than 2 dozen times.


Jim in Phoenix

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