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Front Brake Pad Replacement

Vince P

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1994 SLS

180,000 miles

Time to change front brake pads (squeak...squeak)

Currently I have Ceramic. Thinking replacing them with Carbon-Matallic.

Any thoughts?

If I change my front pads to Carbon-Matallic, do I have to change my rear pads as well (little wear on them)?

Vince P

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I wouldnt worry about changing the rears too... Ive found in my experience that ceramics have to be much "warmer" to be functional than semi mets. I replaced my pads with semi mets on my 01 STS and I think they feel great.

My dad put ceramics on his 300M and you could barily stop comming out of the driveway... we imediately bought semi mets and put them on... grabbed great then.

Just my experience... I know other guys love their ceramics.


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Bill K

Thank you for your comments.

I was looking at Performance Friction Carbon Metallic.

My understanding is that Carbon-Metallic pads have very different characteristics compared to Semi-Metallic pads.

I also have had some bad experiences with Semi-metallic pads when they were cold.

Vince P.

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