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Here is an interesting oldie


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Hunting around eb*y and found this. I can remember seeing these as a small boy.They were popular in the 50's ..Suicice Knobs

Showin' yer age there, boy. Oh, sorry, shouldn't ah called you "boy." :D



Edit: BTW, nice photo. Any more available on eb*y? I'm assuming you placed a bid? I'd hate to bid against you . . . LOL. No doubt, Bruce will throw me off if I edit this post one more time . . . can't say as I'd blame him.

Trivia question: I seem to remember that the "proper" position for a SN was at the 2 o'clock position on the wheel. Does that sound right to you? Did "lefties" put it at ten o'clock?

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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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Trivia question: I seem to remember that the "proper" position for a SN was at the 2 o'clock position on the wheel. Does that sound right to you? Did "lefties" put it at ten o'clock?

We called 'em Neckers' Knobs because you could drive anywhere left handed with your other arm around your girl. The 2 0'clock position was popular because you could lay your arm accross the wheel. I had one on my '47 Chev back around 1954


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