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OK Caddyinfo Experts -- Can You Help?


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I'm sure we really don't want to get into posting questions from other Cadillac forums, but this person (Redwingvksm) whom posted on Lincoln vs Cadillac is having major problems with a '94 STS. He's so desperate he left his cell phone number. Can we make an exception and try to help him? At this point it appears he hasn't solved the problem. See below:


I currently have the gift of trying to figure this POS out.

It has been to 4 other shops - and I'm not letting this one leave my stall until I figure it out. If not for the customer - than for myself. I have never let a vehicle leave with out fixing the problem - and I'm not gonna start. Anyways, heres the problem...

Towed in. It would start - but for only 5 seconds than die out. Sounds like the security system right? No.

Checked the resistance of the pellet AT the connector for the Pass-KeyII module and it reads fine. Checked the square wave output (For the fuel enable) and that is also fine - also there is no Security light. So I checked the fuel pressure - that's ok (50 psi). Well...got down to the injectors - and boom - that sucker is shutting down after 2-3 light ups. Went through all the OHMs for the Injectors - all between 12.0-12.3. Checked the wiring FROM the fuse (THey use 2 fuses to power JUST the injectors) and the OHMs read from 0.0-0.1.

Here's the kicker - with ALL the injectors unpluged and a Noid Light hooked up - I get a VERY-VERY weak signal to the injectors. Drivers bad? I have not told the person that owns the vehicle that it may neew a new ECU - UNTIL I'M 100% sure!! I've tried searching the web for 5+ hours now to no aviail. No codes storded. When you apply brake clean/starter fluid/etc... the engine WILL STAY RUNNING! I've checked all the grounds for the computer/engine and all are from 0.0-0.1.

Can you guys see any other problems becides the ECU?! Agian - this has been to 4 other shops for about 5 months and the customer just wants the vehicle running - any help will be greatly appreciated...

(That was posted on another fourm a couple of days ago - here's an update)

Replaced the PCM...guess what? STILL THE SAME darn THING!! I a'm currently up poop's creek with out a paddle...Any suggestion from the LVC.com members? Please - I'd love to find out what the hell is this thing's problem ASAP! Here is my Cell Number (313)995-8574 (blah, blah - yea I know I just posted my cell number on the internet, so what?)I really need help with this guys - I'm gonna start from square one tomorrow-this shouldn't be THAT difficult to remedy...darn it!!!

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OK, problem solved. It was the MAP sensor.

I would have guessed fuel pump, even when he said the fuel pressure was 50, which seems a little high. A MAP sensor should throw a code (P031, P032, P034, or P071) in a 94.

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OK, problem solved. It was the MAP sensor.

I would have guessed fuel pump, even when he said the fuel pressure was 50, which seems a little high. A MAP sensor should throw a code (P031, P032, P034, or P071) in a 94.

Good point!

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