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Front Ash Tray Removal

Vince P

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1994 SLS

150,000 miles


It takes about 10 tries to get the front ashtray to stay up. I would like to take it out and try to fix it. I have tried unsucessfully to remove it.


Does any one know how to remove the front ashtray?????

Vince P

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if yours is like my 1993. you can put the shifer in 1st, take out the ashtray.. and pull back and up on the center console paneling.. enough force for it to pop out. you're gonna have a few wires plugged in for the ashtray for the lights and lighter. so dont get all hurcules on it. btw, might wanna remove any paneling around the radios faceplate.

and read what Hiljak said below!!

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Vince, DONT pull it from the top, you will break the clips. Put the shifter down all the way and then gently pry up on the wood console (which covers the ash tray and base of shifer) in the back (side closest to back seat). Once it pops up, you can lift up on the top above the ash tray to get it free. I ussually just turn the whole thing to the side once it loose (storage B) ).


1999 STS 65k

1995 STS 127k

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