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Just got my new 99 STS with 60k


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well, in short, I love the car. This is 50 times the car that my 95 is. I checked the codes and several came up, mostly the same numbers, just differnt systems (?). Really confusing. However, all codes are history and I just drive the car 460 miles. I am guessing if there was a current problem, there would be a current code. Am I right in thinking this way?

One issue, the trans shifts good and smooth when the car is first started, but it seems after I've been on the freeway going 80 to 90, then get back into city driving, it shifts a little harder. This may be just me being to observant. I also noticed while drive with the cruise set on the freeway, after about 45 mins or so of solid driving, I feel a shake, like a miss or brief trans slip. No current codes.

If the tranny was slipping, wouldn't that throw a code? Also, shouldn;t shifting smoothness be consistent?

The codes I have are:

RIM b1147, RIM b1327, RIM b1328, DDM, b1982, DDM b1983, DDM u1255, IPC b1983, IPC b1652, IPC b1760, IPC b1983, IRC u1129, RFA u1300.....there are more but I got tired of writing them as they go by so quickly. All histiry tho. Should I be concerned about this?


1999 STS 65k

1995 STS 127k

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Yea it has it.. I have a 99 :) I like it a lot. It does shift strangely to me but I am used to it now. When I first bought it I kept taking it back to the dealer thinking the tranny was slipping because I was used the older ones and every time they tested it and said it was fine. I still think something isn't quite right but maybe that's just how it works. This is the newest car I have :) If i had a bunch of money just to waste i'd buy a new one .. but not many of us have money to waste :) Just clear all the codes, then drive around in the city and then some on the highway and then check the codes again. If any set during that time, even if they are history, you probaly have a problem somewhere. The tranny in the 99's has 3209483295873289523 sensors. If anything slips or clunks or even smells bad it will throw a code. It's crazy how many sensors this dang car has.. drives me crazy sometimes to fix it :)

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I cleared the codes and none showed back up. Then all of a sudden, the car died. It strated right back up and there was a p 1599, near miss or stall. Also, the car idles a little rough, just a little stumble. I changed the throttl position sensor and it still shifts the same.

The thing that concerns me is when going then letting off of the gas it knd of stumbles. Maybee I should take it in.


1999 STS 65k

1995 STS 127k

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