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Possible overheating


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I have an 02 DTS. On the way to Las Vegas a few weeks ago, the temp. gage was past the 3/4 mark and climbing. I turned off the a/c system and it went back to the 1/2 mark (this is it's normal position). This was on a large incline outside of a place called Baker it's about a 20+ mi. steep incline). It did this several times until I got to the top and then on the way down, it was ok. The same thing happened on the way to Laughlin last year. the gage only climbs in very hot outside temps. The dealer service rep. asked me if it went all the way to the peg mark and I said I turned off the a/c before it got that high. He said not to worry about it. He said these motors run hot??? It's under warranty. Should I be concerned and take it back to the dealer? I don't want to get stuck in 110+ temps. and mess up a great motor. Thanks.

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Thanks Guru for such interesting info. I remember way back, like in 1968 or so, my dad taking us on a vacation in Colorado and we drove our new 1968 SedanDeVille. We went up Pikes Peak. Cars were overheated all around us, but our Caddy took us to the top with no problem.



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Cab drivers in NYC have another trick to help keep their engines cool in the summer months, I did this too when I drove a cab in NYC, YEARS AGO: they pop the hood with out raising it. This leaves the hood danking in the air by about 1-2 inches above the body and allows the hot air to escape from the engine compartment while allowing more cool air to move into the engine compartment when the vehicle is moving. Before you do this, make sure that the safety catch works on your car and will not allow the hood to fly open WITHOUT you pressing on the release lever under the hood. This is NOT recommended for super fast driving but it will help at keeping the engine cooler under severe driving conditions.

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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