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warning bell

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I think all of us here are sitting back, trying to figure out just WHY you want to fix it. If you find that fuse, let us all know where it is so we can take ours out.

Never underestimate the amount of a persons greed.

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JohnnyG, The reason I would like to get the bell sound back is becouse I left my running/parking lights on at work by accident and it drained my battery,luckly a coworker parked next to me and he gave me a jump start using my jumper cables that I keeep in the trunk,JUST IN CASE,,, And also a goodway to help others in need... That bell is a good reminder..

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Like I said, that's what co-workers, neighbors, people going in to the grocery store are supposed to do. As well as giving jump starts. You must realize this already since you keep the cables in the car for other's benefit. BUT, that bell takes that job away from them! In my opinion though, the lights staying on for some period after you walk away from the car is worse. When someone comes up to you to tell you that you left your lights on, then you have to tell them that they will go off by themselves! This makes them feel like a fool, and does NOTHING for your self esteem. I'm pretty sure at this point that this is all the work of al Quaeda.

Just disregard my post, it's probably not a fuse.

Never underestimate the amount of a persons greed.

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