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Hi all,

I have a 02 DTS and got work done at the dealer. They took alittle over a month doing the repairs and when they finished and went to start the car the battery was dead. They charged it for a few hours and when I went to pick it up the Navigation/Radio was not working and on the screen it says:

Caution cannot load system software, disc type incorrect, please insert correct system disc

The dealer says it was like that when I brought it there which is bull because they didn't want to be responsable.

I went to another dealer and they had a outside audio company come to check it and the guy said I need a new Navigation ($2350.00)

After checking around this site and the web I found out it needs a reloading disc # 19115256 or #19115254

I was wondering if anyone has the disc and if I can get a copy or if I can borrow it. I am willing to pay for the disc and for all shipping costs.

If you can email me at antcor@gmail.com

Thank you very much,


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The dealer parts department should have a copy of the disc and they should reload the software for you. The disc is only available from the GM Nav Disc Center to dealerships. They get the first one free. The navigation radio has a lithium battery in it that is supposed to keep the firmware in memory on power loss, but batteries die. It's a total crock that they claim it was like that when you brought the car in, because it won't turn off until the software is loaded and your battery would be dead all the time. If they won't take care of it for you, try a different Cadillac dealer.


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