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99 eldo down 4 the count

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hey gang

1st off thanks for your help in diagnosing the problem did what u said confirmed HG problem. I am having it fixed (for a mere $2400 - $2800, ouch)call me wacked but i am in love. 74k on car it is in great shape. I know it is 10years old but that is only 50 in dog years I am 57 and have plenty of steam in me, wait a minute i have to rest from all this typing. (maybe it is 70 in dog years, oh well) :P

Anyway, I would like to ask you all if i have this tore down and fixed what all should I examine and or replace while the engine is out?

my mech is familar and will do a timesert and will warrany the job.

thanks again - you guys rock!!!


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First off, that is an excellent price. Buy him a bottle of his favorite. Fix any leaks you may have, pan, halfcase or rear main. If they are OK, just do the gaskets.

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