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Miss on Acceleration

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Folks, looking for some ideas here. Got a miss that showed up about a week ago right about the time the rain started here. So I thought that maybe I should replace plug wires and maybe the coils. The miss only seems to be when car is under load (like going up hill) or when accelerating (wants to stumble). Any ideas?

By the way any body know any good mechanics for the cadillacs in the St. louis area.

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Folks, looking for some ideas here. Got a miss that showed up about a week ago right about the time the rain started here. So I thought that maybe I should replace plug wires and maybe the coils. The miss only seems to be when car is under load (like going up hill) or when accelerating (wants to stumble). Any ideas?

By the way any body know any good mechanics for the cadillacs in the St. louis area.

By the described symptoms,it may very well be as simple as plug wires,depending on the mileage and conditions. Being a '93, and if the wires are original, there's a good probability that the strength of the insulation is breaking down. The first thing to do is get a house plant mister, and find a nice dark place to park and pop the hood. Nighttime works well for this too. With the engine running, and your hands clear of the wires, mist the top engine area where the plug wires are located. Any wire breakdowns will now show with some very nice arcing and sparking. Note that the bluish glow occurring in there is a natural phenomena called 'corona' (ionization) and is not an indicator of dielectric failure in the wire insulation.

'93 STS.. opened, dropped, wide...fast.

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Wires would be my guess too. I replaced mine with oem wires and still had that problem. My mechanic and I noticed that the replacement wires were thinner then the ones that came on the car so I bought some Napa premiums (thicker) and it did the trick. Another idea.... and this is only because I dealt with this last week.... my fuel fill tube had all kinds of little holes in it from winter salt and age. After a real good rain and driving around hmmm "Is that a stutter?" Now the new fill tube and fuel filter are in and all is right as um rain (couldn't resist). Hope it's only the wires though.


94sts 206k and still many original parts

"Burns" rubber

" I've never considered myself to be all that conservative, but it seems the more liberal some people get the more conservative I become. "

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