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BLOG: Caddyinfo.com Admin Blog - drupal.caddyinfo.com

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Drupal is a content management system. We have a site at http://drupal.caddyinfo.com which I have been using for additional content, to hold images, and details to support posts. A lot of times I'll write the info over there then link it in the forum. The content on the drupal site can be images, static pages, pages which allow multiple users to edit etc.

Because the drupal is on a different host than the forum here, we can't use the same login/password automatically.

Today I realized that due to a technicality in the drupal setup with the host, no requests for a login/password over on the drupal site were actually getting to me. I see users tried to register and login but then got no further than that. Hopefully that has been corrected now, although the correction may take some time yet to gel.

We also have a gallery site at http://gallery.caddyinfo.com which is helpful for holding image files.

So, if you registered on http://drupal.caddyinfo.com or http://gallery.caddyinfo.com and never received permissions please reply here with the userid you used there and I'll go look it up and fix it.

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