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A little more help please.


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Okay, I finally got both manuals in my hands and I am at a discrepancy on what component is what. I believe that I now know which is which but if someone could verify the following I would appreciate it.

Starting from the top (4.6 litre)

P/S pulley, generator, idler, a/c compressor, crank, tensioner.

Is this correct? The reason I ask is because if this is correct than the growling noise I hear is not from my generator, but from my a/c. That also explains a previous post I had regarding removal of the generator whereas some of the replies didn't make sense on how to remove it. :unsure: Thank God for the manuals. As I read further, I notice that if I want to remove the a/c compressor, I have to purge the system. (don't know if I'm that mechanically inclined yet).

Sorry if this has been tackled before, but like I said, I'm a newbie when it comes to doing larger repairs to a car, but I'm very eager to learn.



1994 STS Pearl White 260,000 KM (163,000 miles)

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Sorry I don't have the answer but at least my response will bring your query back to the top of the list and perhaps you can do the same for my recent question of the gang here.

Do you think the lack of response is because we are identified as Canucks?

Kiddin eh! :blink:

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I'm not sure of the pully sequence but get a short length of hose and put on end to your ear. Use the other end to listen to the alternator and the A/C compressor. You should be able to pick out the culprit.

No expertise required in purging the system. Just press the shreader valve on the A/C line and it will purge itself, just like deflating a tire.

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Thanks for the info Larry. I wasn't quite sure how to purge the system. Up here in my province, they won't sell you any parts that have to do with the a/c system unless you've got a registration number saying you are qualified to handle it. Go figure, I don't get it myself. I had phoned the dealer for a compressor and they wanted.........wait for it................$962.00 (CDN) WAAAHOOOOO! Can you believe it? But he wouldn't sell it to me. Then I asked how much the bearing was and he told me $42.00, but lo and behold, he couldn't sell that to me either. So I go on ebay and there are some rebuilt ones ranging from $100- $200. Now that's better and then I see some R134a refrigerant for less than $20.00. Now I remember why I like going to the US so much; your government doesn't *smurf* whip ya.

I'll figure a way around it somehow.

1994 STS Pearl White 260,000 KM (163,000 miles)

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I was just at Napa this morning getting some brake pads for my wifes car. While I was waiting to have a rotor turned I noticed cans of R134a for $4-$5. You can't buy R12 down here either without the certification but R134a is no problem.

I don't know if Canada accepts it but someone once posted a sight where you can get "certified" for $15 U.S. Maybe someone still has it and will post it for you.

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Your Ontario government must got their heads in the water :lol:. But our CDN $$$ is climbing closer to the American $$$, do I dare dream about $1 to $1 exchange? :P Over here in Saskatchewan we can buy anything we need from the GM dealer or anywhere for that matter in regards to A/C. Move here and bring your A/C problems with you! :D Rider football is startin' here soon, gotta get my sister and my bango ready!

Little off topic but for those who won't understand my last comment, our Canadian Football Team the Saskatchewan Roughriders were going to play the Winnipeg Bluebombers in the Semi-Finals. In a pre-game comment the kicker of the Bombers called all Saskatchewan people a bunch of "Banjo Playin' Inbreds". The Riders whipped the Bluebombers 37-21, but the Banjo Playin' Inbred thing has stuck.



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It's actually the Manitoba government, and I live and breathe Blue & Gold. So, be prepared to have your crying towels ready.


1994 STS Pearl White 260,000 KM (163,000 miles)

<img src="http://img45.photobucket.com/albums/v137/caesar/caddycaesar.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

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