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1994 Seville SLS Coolant?

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I have always used the Dexcool in my 1995 Olds Aurora 4.0 N* w / 201,000 miles and now I have a slightly older but bigger 4.6 in my new 1994 SLS w/ 140,000 miles. Should I use the Dexcool or the Green stuff. I think that this 94 has the green stuff and I know not to mix. I have to put in a waterpump and i will likely be flushing the system. Should I stick to the green stuff with some bars leak or should I switch over to Dexcool.

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Stay with the green stuff. You will not receive any long term benefits from Dexcool after having green in the system. Which means it would have to be changed every 2-3 years.

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