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noise from pulley


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Hello, I got a 1995 CaddDeville with about 136,000 miles on it. There is a creeching/growling noise (sounds like a helicopter) coming from 1 of the components that the serpentine belt is turning. It usually does this when the engine is cold, when the engine gets hot it usually goes away. Anyone knows what this could probubly be? Thanks

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Probably the idler or tensioner pully. Listen with one end of a hose in your ear and probe the pullies. You can also release tension on the tensioner with a square drive 1/2" breaker bar. If the sound stops then you are sure it is one of the components on that belt. My money is on the idler or tensioner. If you can get them off I've heard that you can pry off the "seal" and grease the bearing. It's probably a bit dry by this time.

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