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A cloud of black smoke and a hearty hi-yo Caddy!


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Some people have the black cloud over their heads, mine is coming out the back of my STS when I launch it from a stop. No tire squealing mind you, just a fun hard acceleration.

Now how can I stop the embarrasment, and help the guy in the Mercedes behind me breath a little cleaner air?

Your advice is appreciated.


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Do it more frequently. It sounds like what you are experiencing is carbon build up. From what I have learned on this site, the Northstar is a high performance engine and needs occasional WOT to keep the combustion chambers clean. Just WOT it and hold it there to max RPM shifts (about 6K). That should also reduce oil consumption by cleaning the deposits from the rings and keeping them from sticking. As our resident expert says "drive it like you stole it" once in a while.

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Do it more frequently. It sounds like what you are experiencing is carbon build up. From what I have learned on this site, the Northstar is a high performance engine and needs occasional WOT to keep the combustion chambers clean. Just WOT it and hold it there to max RPM shifts (about 6K). That should also reduce oil consumption by cleaning the deposits from the rings and keeping them from sticking. As our resident expert says "drive it like you stole it" once in a while.

Hee hee, thanks, but I drive like that at least once a week. Sometimes I'll leave it in second and scream around forcing it to shift to third.

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WOW. In that case, I,d start looking at a leaky FPR, or fuel injectors. Maybe clean the EGR (not sure if that would cause the smokey condition you discribe).

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