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19 Feb 07 - Readjusted Headlights


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I installed a set of Sylvania 9006XV low beam lights I had laying around and took the opportunity to adjust the aim of the headlights. Much improved now. The vertical aim was fine I guess (I didn't touch it), but it didn't seem that the left side headlight was really doing its job. Indeed, the horizontal aim was way out. I appreciate the aim indicator range built in to the adjustment mechanism. I adjusted both left and right to "0" and now I can actually see the lane markers!

I'm not generally impressed with projector beam headlights. It seems the reflector buckets on my '97 have better and fuller coverage than these projectors. Maybe these projectors improve glare at oncoming traffic, I don't know (not in my experience though, at least from most other vehicles with projectors).

Jason(2001 STS, White Diamond)

"When you turn your car on...does it return the favor?"

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