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Exchange of CVRSS for Magne Ride?


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Is there anyone who could tell me, if it is possible to exchange the continuously variable

road-sensing suspension (CVRSS) on a Seville STS 1997 for Magne Ride (which appeared

on mid 2002 models) and, if so, whether it is economically advisable or not?

Rein Ustav



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Is there anyone who could tell me, if it is possible to exchange the continuously variable

road-sensing suspension (CVRSS) on a Seville STS 1997 for Magne Ride (which appeared

on mid 2002 models) and, if so, whether it is economically advisable or not?

Rein Ustav



Practically speaking, it would be cheaper to simply buy a 2002. The cost would be absurd assuming, or course, it was even possible. You would need a team of Cadillac engineers in your hip pocket to get this done.



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