So I fixed the antenna on the car. Took some effort, apparently GMC used some out of place bolt that is 10mm. I had trouble getting it off, So I went to Ace Hardware and got a wrench to remove it. Antenna is in now and working great, looks nice too. I think I'm going to give the CD a crack and see what I can do to fix that.
I filled up today. Cost $3.08 a gallon for premium, total amount came to exactly $50.00. On my way to a friends place I ran over this big stick in the road that I didn't see because it was raining. It made a nasty thud and scared the *smurf* out of me. When I got back I was forced to park outside because my friends had taken the garage, so I got down on my knee's in the pouring ran and looked under the car to check for damage, of which I could find none. Oh, when I was at Walmart picking up CD+