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Dash lights will not go off


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Need some help on dash lights, here is the story. I travel a few days a week with my job, so my wife calls me this morning ond her 95 concours is dead, she put it on the charger and all was fine. Now she says the LCD display will not turn off, she has pressed the reset buttons and this just makes it blink like a strobe light. I had her check the trouble code and only two current about a rear ABS problem. For the night I had her disconect the battery, I hope this will reset by the morning.

Please point me in the right direction.

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OK, with the battery off all night, worse problems today, my wife hooks up the battery and the car has power, but the engine will not start. I also had her put on the charger and go to engine start in case the battery was low.

Tha LCD lights still are on all the time, also the engine fan turns on and off with a mind of it's own.

Any help would be great I am working thru my wife 540 mile away. It may have to wait till Thursday when I get home.

Thank you

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