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Please Help Re: Seat Swap


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Can someone please help me? I have a 92 El Dorado with broken/tore up seats. They are just totally gone. I purchased a set of 98 El Dorado seats last year and just recently went to put them in last night. Everything was ok with the passenger seat. BUT when I got to the driver seat, the seat harness is different.

Can someone PLEASE tell me how to wire the new harness with the old wires. Here are some pictures of the 2 harnesses. (Sorry, my camera is at home and I only have a phone cam)

I know it's possible, because a guy I knew put STS seats in an old Olds. PLEASE HELP :(

The 92 harness only has 4 wires: an Orange with Blk/stripe, 2 Lg Blk, and 1 Sm Black wire

The 98 harness has 6 wires: Lg red, Lg Black, Sm Orange, Sm Black w/white stripe, Sm Purple, and Sm Purple w/White Stripe.



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