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Thanks to all


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Hi, just wanted to post a note of thanks to all past contributors.

Last week I was driving the STS home as it had been serviced by the local garage when steam appeared from the hood, so I filled the car up with water and went back to the garage. Turns out they hadn't put the surge tank pressure cap back on (and they had lost it.) :angry:

Anyway after reading through past posts in the forum, I changed the coolant myself which may not seem a big deal to most of you, but it's the first time I've really done anything to the car myself. So thanks to everybody that contributes their help :D:D


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I am here to learn too. Not everyone has the time / tools / skills to keep their vehicles purring; but for those that do, sites such as this one are a great resource.

You now know why a lot of people avoid repair shop service bays as much as possible. You are the person who suffers if the job is not done properly. And you are also the one person who cares enough to do the job properly the first time.

You can buy a lot of tools with the money not spent at a repair shop.



Drive your car.

Use your cell phone.


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And you are also the one person who cares enough to do the job properly the first time.

That statement is so true, that is exactly how I feel about it. Plus to pay a mechanic to do it right would be prohibitively expensive and it would be time to sell the car.

These cars make great hobbys, as they help you with the diagnosis.

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These cars make great hobbys, as they help you with the diagnosis.

Exactly. I don't know what I'll do without computer with it's codes you can check. Now, armed with manual you can feel the power... :D:D:D

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Last week I was driving the STS home as it had been serviced by the local garage when steam appeared from the hood, so I filled the car up with water and went back to the garage.

How much water did you add? It is necessary to maintain a 50% coolant solution for adequate corrosion protection and boiling point elevation.


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