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Changing Tranny Fluid


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The dealer indicated that for the transmission service they basically flush all the old fluid out and replace with new and don't drop the pan and change the filter. They said they can do the filter as well but it's more and they don't usually do this. I think the dealer said that there system back-flushes the filter too. My Aurora is coming up on 50k and I am considering doing this service now.

One opinion that I've heard is that if you do it at least every 50k the flush is fine, but if it's around 100k and the fluid was never changed it may be better to drop the pan too.

Also, according to the manual, adding the correct amount of tranny fluid can be tricky - or at least tricky to judge by the stick correctly. I'm therefore concerned that if you do the full change with the pan drop and all, that the dealer could even screw it up. Maybe this is a silly concern because if they have equipment to pump everything out and then drop the pan, they would be basically filling an empty system and you'll know exactly how much is in there.

Any thoughts on what I should do for this service? Is the simple fluid replacement fine - especially if the filter gets back-flushed?

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To change the fluid the bottom pan must be removed. This drains the lower pan, provides access to the pickup screens that need to be cleaned AND , most importantly, provides access to the drain plug for the side cover so that all the oil that is stored/trapped in the side cover can be accessed. The 4T80E stores almost all it's oil in the side cover as it is a dry sump system so you really need to get the bottom pan off to access the "hidden" drain plug for the side cover.

I just did mine and couldn't believe the amount of oil in the side cover. When it was all said and done I believe mine took 8 quarts.

I agree will Bill, don't let them flush it


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