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I know this topic was discussed before. But my blower motor is acting really crazy on my 94 STS. Some day's it works and sometimes it doesn't. Lately it has not been working in the morning when i'm going to work, but then it starts working after work when i'm coming home. I know in discussions about this, Flat spots in the motor was mentioned. But how can it have a flat spot if it works in the evening but not in the morning. I've even tried switching around the relays, since they all had the same number on them. The motor worked fine morning and evening for a couple of day's and then started acting up again today. It did not work this morning, started working this evening. :unsure:

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Erratic operation of the brushless motors (1994+ E/K) may be linked to proximity of the spark plug leads to the blower housing. If repositioning the leads does not help, the blower electronics may be damaged.


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