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Installing Aftermarket Remote Keyless Entry - '89 de Ville

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Hello All,

When I bought my car almost a year ago now I wasn't even thinking about remote keyless entry. I had presumed that this would have been standard equipment by the 1989 model year, but it's not. I find I'm really missing RKE and, to a lesser extent, the ability to pop the trunk lid.

Several people I know have purchased this RKE setup from amazon.com. All have commented on the quality of the fobs being exceptional, particularly given the low price of the system. These systems are very easy to install on 70s era cars, but I'm not so certain that the ease would be there with a late 80s model.

I would really like, if I can do it at all, to make the remote trunk open function work when the car is off. I get why the button inside the glove compartment operates only when the car is on, but wish it also would work when the car is turned off. A remote function that only works when the car is running would be virtually useless.

If anyone has ever installed one of these systems into a Cadillac that predates RKE becoming standard, and can offer any advice and tips, I'd love to have those.

Thanks for any guidance you have to offer.



Bri the Tech Guy   http://britechguy.com
britechguy@gmail.com   (540) 324-5032
"If it's got you screaming, I'll help you stop!!"
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