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Got car washed today and now remote key not working. Tried extra and its not working either. Could be guys at car wash hit something that has inactivated remotes. I checked the valet button in the glove box and its set correctly. Any ideas??

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First try unlocking the door with the key. That will take the car out of sleep mode if it was in it.

Next try putting the battery in backwards into the FOB. That "shocks" the FOB back to life sometimes.

Last go to the dealer and have them check it and/or reprogram it.

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If both FOB:s used to work and suddenly none of them works, I would agree that it has to do with the parts in the car, BUT: are you sure that the second remote was working? If you don't use it regularly, it could have stopped working. As for reviving a dead FOB, I would try to take it apart and carefully clean the contacts instead of connecting the battery backwards (which would be more complicated than just turning the battery upside down, since that would just lead to a non-connected battery - look at the battery and contacts and you will see). Just take the PCB (printed circuit board) out of the gray rubber piece that make up the buttons, and wipe everything clean with some household paper. It has some kind of oil in it (which probably keeps it from oxidizing), which you will have to wipe off. I revived both of my FOB:s in this way. Use no solvents, only dry paper. Once cleaned, I would suspect that it will have to be cleaned sooner again than a new one, if the oil or whatever it is is not replaced. Also remember to replace the battery afterwards. In my case, the remote had shorted itself before I cleaned it, which also drained the new battery I put in before cleaning it (when I thought that it was just a matter of replacing the battery).


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