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My '03 STS fuel gauge goes crazy once it gets down to about half a tank or so - the readings go all over, up to full, up and down, when it gets below half tank, it reads full and stays there regardless of how little fuel is left in the tank.... it does work OK though when the tank is full, down to about half....

Seems I read once about a resistor in the dash or gauge on this forum that causes the problem, did a search but found nothing... anyone familiar with this issue?

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Your fuel level sensor might be the victim of some high sulphur content fuel. There were reports several years ago of high sulphur content fuel being distributed along the Gulf coast and Florida in particular.

Some have had good results from adding a can of Techron to a full fuel tank. If you see any improvement after that fuel has been consumed, do it again.


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Your fuel level sensor might be the victim of some high sulphur content fuel. There were reports several years ago of high sulphur content fuel being distributed along the Gulf coast and Florida in particular.

Some have had good results from adding a can of Techron to a full fuel tank. If you see any improvement after that fuel has been consumed, do it again.

Tried the Techron treatment, I'm familiar with it as I use it in my vette from time to time, vettes are really suseptable to the high sulpher issue, but it didn't help my Caddy....

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The level sensor is a replaceable part if you can find one at the dealer or RockAuto.com or ??

And you do not have to drop the tank; there is a pump assembly access panel in the floor of the trunk.


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