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Woodward Dream Cruise


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Remember the August 14, 2003 power black-out from Michigan / Ohio, to the east? The timing of that event affected the 2003 Woodward Dream Cruise mightily.

This report of the 2004 Dream Cruise is worth signing up for the web version of NYT http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/27/automobiles/27CRUS.html (it will be too late in 3 or 4 days).

I'm sure the Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, papers covered it; but they are too close!!

The Cadillac connection is remote, but it's there!!


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WE went three years in a row, missed this year, though. I love it, it is no doubt the best car event in the world, bar none! I was there for the great black out last year, no fun at all. We always drive the '67, it's a nice 10 hr. cruise each way. B)

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