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Time to replace my steering rack

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Hey everyone, lately I've noticed my power steering has been developing some serious morning sickness issues.

For an exaggerated example; to turn right is darn near impossible until it is warmed up and to turn left takes the weight of a caterpillar crawling on the top left side of the steering wheel to turn the wheel. It also is starting to leak slowly onto my floor at my feet. It isn't leaking too much, but enough to hear it gurgling a bit when making turns.

So long story short I'm just going to play it safe before I'm caught somewhere and replace my pump (getting noisy anyway) and my steering rack.

The car is a 94' Seville STS BTW and I have cased out the PS pump and it seems like a piece of cake compared to a few things I've done with this car, but the rack is creating some questions in my head.

I know I have to lower the sub frame a few inches and disconnect tie rod ends etc. but I just am unsure of a few things.

1) Has anybody here done this before and perhaps know any tricks to this?

2) How long should it take roughly?

3) What tool(s) will I need to break those mounting bolts loose? Air ratchet? or would that have enough torque??

I don't see anyway I'd get my impact in there safely.

I've tried searching with the SEARCH utility on the top of the page and even on google and have found nothing anywhere on this subject with Northstar equipped Caddy's other than they had taken it in to the shop blabbity blah blah.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I won't have my work truck this week and will need my car.

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