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speaker noise


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hi i install a aftermarket cdplayer in my 95 sedan deville and i get a speaker whine through my passenger side door speakers. Its only when the car is running and i also recieve electical interferencethrough the speakers from other accessories such as my head lap switch, brake lap switch, blower motor,and turn signal switch. Also when i turn the car off theres a load pop noise through the speakers after the radio goes off (just one load pop). i was wondering does it matter if u use butt connectors instead of soldiering the connections together.... if anyone can help me i would appreciate it very much thanks :)

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This has nothing to do with the speaker connectors/wires unless you grounded them to something you shouldn't have...... This really has to do with the quality of the head unit and also where you grounded everything and how well the ground is and how well the head unit filters out noise, etc... I would double check the wiring and grounds.. use a voltmeter and continuity checker to make sure you don't have some small leakage from the positive into the grounds somewhere. Electricity is very noisy.. The ignition in the car creates the most noise and that's probably the whine you hear unless it's one of the electric motors somewhere.. try revving the engine up and see if the whine goes up and down heh.. then it's either something such as the alternator or the ignition. Check to see if the stock radio had any type of ballast resistor on it (something in between the positive connection on the radio and the positive to the car).. When in doubt just take it to a car stereo place and i'm sure they can check it in 5 minutes and tell you what is wrong, unless the head unit itself is bad....

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