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4T80-E cold start shifting issue

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Have any of you ever experienced an intermittent shift engagment propblem with your trans when cold?

About a month ago I got in my car, shifted into reverse and it acted like I didn't shift into gear. I then put it in park, my mind raced for about a minute and then I tried shifting it into gear again and it engaged normally. I thought this was a simple loss of signal issue which was a fluke and went about my business. Since then it has happened three more times so something is occuring, but what I'm not sure. It has only done it once when shifting into drive, but this may mainly be due to me needing to shift into reverse mostly when cold. It never has done it when warm. Also, every time it does it when I put it park and shift back into gear it acts perfectly normal every time, as of yet. One noteable mention, you could almost say it feels like, when it does this, it engages about a 1/4 of the way and feels like a severe slip.

The trans fluid is perfect color, odor, and level, but I have never drained the system and change the filter so I could have a severly clogged filter and until pressure in the trans balances out with cold fluid it may not be shifting right away. I would put a situation like this to a constant problem not occasional.

The codes I pulled yesterday are in part due to some dash work I did recently so I don't assume they will come back after I reset them and others have been there since I bought the car.


ABS C1277 Current (TCC issue had since bought car)

IPC U1016 History (Comm loss with VCM;had since bought car and don't know where to look)

IPM B0184 History (Sunload sensor; due to recent work on car)

IPM B0189 History (Sunload sensor, due to recent work on car)

IPM B0429 Current (Rear Temp control; had since bought car)

IPM B2646 History (Ambient Light sensor; due to recent work on car)

PCM P0741 Current (TCC issue had since bought car)

PCM P1571 History (TCS issue had since bought car)

PCM P1860 Current (TCC issue had since bought car)

RIM C0625 History (New, but explains a problem with my rear suspension I've been having)

RIM C0658 History (New, same as above)

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!



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