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I decided to change my KRE transmitter, so I purchased one from Ebay at about $30 including shipping. For the hell of it, I checked with a local Baltimore, MD GM dealership for a price on progamming the transmitter. They wanted to charge me $142.95 for a new KRE transmitter and another $45 to program it, they would not program the one I bought from Ebay. I used the programming instructions from Anthony Haukup's site and programmed my transmitter for free, less than five minutes.....thank you Anthony. :rolleyes:

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I have a 99 STS and bought two remotes from ebay for under 15bucks delivered but the instructions for programming say I need a Tech II scan tool. The only one I have been able to find on line is on Anthony's site at over $3500! I haven't been able to find anything else related to them anywhere. At that price I figure the remotes will cost me somewhere around $1800 each. (of course I would have a really cool tool too!) Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of money.

Any ideas?

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the tech II is the computer they hook up to the car's interface. They are indeed very expensive and dealership equipment, although fun to play with. Try to locate a 99 shop manual or find somebody with one. THere should be instructions on how to do it. I doubt you need the tech II

Christopher Petro

94 sts

67 coupe de Ville

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