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93 DEVILLE starving for gas


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Help my wife's 93 deville w/130k miles runs great for approx 30 min

then start to cut out- around 40-50 mhp i mean nothing.

acts like its starving for gas, i replaced the fuel filter and it seemed to help

a little i just purchased a fuel pressure gage and hooked it up to the

fuel rail it reads a steady 35 psi but drops to 30 when i rev it up

Could it be the fuel pressure regulator or the fuel pump.

if it is the fuel pump do i have to drop the tank or can i cut an access hole

from the trunk or under/behind the back seat?

I coded it out usEing the off/warm buttons E-30-39-52-91-98 AND .7.0

I must say How great it is to have a caddy site like this for those of us who love our caddys smile.gif

I am a devout do-it-your-selfer who has replaced fuel pumps before and i tellyou

that dropping the tank aint fun, but if i have to i will.

again thanks for the great site



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The fuel pressure sounds low to begin with. I suspect if you put a guage on it with a long enough hose and tape it to the windshield, you will find it dropping even lower when this happens. My money is on the fuel pump. Yes, you do have to drop the tank. It is not fun, but I would never cut a hole in it.

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To eliminate FPR pull off the vacuum hose attached to its nipple while idling (the FPR is close to the throttle body and has canister shape). There should be no fuel leaking from the nipple.

Does it make difference whether your tank is full or low? Sometimes a bad fuel pump will act up when you are low on gas. As Ranger noticed the fuel pressure is low, it should be higher than 40 psi I believe.

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