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Parting way


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well i'm unhappy 2 say that i will b selling my '93 N* Seville STS! sad.gif even though i've only had the car 4 only a year, i've enjoyed every single day that i've had it. the 1 thing i will miss about the my 'lac, is the unmatchable power/response (in it's class). 4 being a '93 i have blown away many a newer cars trying 2 challenge me on the highways. but the family is getting a little bigger so i moving on up & getting an SUV. i'm really hating the fact that when we go out as a family we have 2 take the "Soccer Mom" mini-van since we do not all fit n2 the caddy comfortably. w/ that being said, if any1 is looking 4 STS i am selling mine 4 a reasonable $. so if any1 is interested just reply 2 this post & i will give my information & we can talk a little further. i want 2 thank every1 4 all the advice & useful information that has been given 2 me.



Pimpin' In My Black 'Lac

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