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TCC solenoid on 2000 Seville SLS


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Anyone know if you have to eperate or remove the transmission to replace the TCC solenoid on a 2000 Seville SLS, or is there an access cover to get to the solenoid? I can't tell from the AllData drawing.

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Still looking for help...does anyone have a repair manual that shows whether you have to remove the transmission to replace the TCC solenoid? Sure would appreciate it if anyone having a manual could look that up for me.

Thanks in advance,


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Hello. The side cover of the transmission on the drivers side needs to be removed in order to get at the TCC solenoid. There is absolutely no easy way to do this. You must lower the engine and subframe about half way down to access the cover bolts. Remember to disconnect the steering shaft from the steering rack and rather than pull out the wheel drive axles it might be easier to remove the bolts supporting the struts at the top ie. 3 bolts per strut tower and gently let the engine down. You must watch for wiring and brake lines when doing it. This is no easy task and if your not mechanically inclined I would not recommend doing it. Also remember that there is tranny fluid behind that cover so be ready to capture it some how. I think the TCC solenoid is worth approx $70 but the labor to replace it is the killer. Good luck but if you have any other questions feel free to ask.

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Me again. On second thought you should remove the axles from the tranny in order to get enough clearance to remove the cover. When you pull out the axles, transmission fluid will drain out so again be ready to catch it.

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Hello. My computer has been down so I've been off line for a couple of day. The answer is Yes. You still have to drop the engine and tranny enough to allow the cover to come off. Remember to watch the steering linkage, AC lines etc.

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