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Window tip-in


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Hi Guys,

The window tip-in of the left hand door of our ' 92 Eldorado is need of some adjustment.

According my service manual : if adjustment is required adjust the bevel gear adjusters through the bottom of the door. Front and rear adjusters should be turned in equal amounts in order to attain sufficient and/or even weatherstrip compression.

( See picture )

Maybe I'm getting blind . . . but I can't find these adjusters in the bottom of my door ( there must be 2 of them ) huh.gif I only have some holes to drain water out of the door, but that's it.

Is there an expert out there who can tell me the exact location of the bevel gear adjusters ? wink.gif

Best Regards,

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I think you have to get the lower black lower door moldings off to get access.


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The trim on the lower outside of the door covers the two adjuster holes. Open the door and remove the nut on the inside, at the front of the door. Pull out the trim pice and it unhooks off the back end of the door.

adjust away!

I always test gasket tension by folding dollar bill and pulling it through the closed door.

Good luck,

Jim in Phoenix

Jim in Phoenix

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I always test gasket tension by folding dollar bill and pulling it through the closed door.


That sounds like an interesting test, but could you be more specific?

I'm assuming you fold it only once. Correct? And then . . . . ?



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