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Heater box


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The plastic cover that I would call the "heater box" is deteriorating. This is the plastic housing under the hood on the firewall that covers the heater core and fan motor. Is this a common problem with 96 Deville's? What type of problems to replace? Thanks


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Thanks for the archive link.  I did a search prior to my posting, but must not have gone back far enough or searched the correct topic. 


No problem, let us know if we can help you and how you handle this problem.

I have a 96 Deville also. How is your AM radio reception in the 560 through 880 frequency range? I get lots of static to the point where is becomes unlistenable. I have the AM/FM cassette. Mike

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I listen to the AM radio VERY little, so I really can't tell you how the reception is in that frequency range. You now have my curiosity, so I will try and let you know! As far as a repair, I'm guessing at this point it will be a combination of black RTV and quite possibly covering the whole thing in fiberglass. From what I read on the posts, replacement is NOT an option! What a stupid design. thanks again.


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