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Power trunk and power fuel door


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My power trunk and power fuel door buttons stopped working at the same time. The electrician could not find the cause and told me to come back in a week, once he'd had a chance to look at DeVille 96 electrical diagrams unsure.gif

Does anyone know what could be common to both of these buttons (if a fuse, where is it located?)

Oh, and I suspect that the very heavy rain we had here two days ago may have something to do with it.



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Issue resolved.

I looked at the manual to try to locate what (fuse, etc) was common to power fuel door and trunk release. I did find that the same fuse also protects high beams. So, I got in the car, turned on the headlights and high beams...I wanted to confirm that the high beams would not work...THEY DID...and then, (as if by magic) both power fuel door and trunk started working again!

Okok... I am happy that "I fixed it" BUT, does anyone have a logical explanation? I don't.

I had a (somewhat) simillar thing happen with the rear left window. Half a year ago I could not open it using the drivers rear left window button. So I opened the window using the rear left power window button. Then (as if by magic) the drivers rear left window button started working again.

Any thought? curious.

--D wink.gif

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I had the same problem with the fuel & trunk on my 96 eldo shortly after buying it. Turns out my problem was simple- the valet button in the glove compartment. I opened the door, pushed the button- problem fixed, lol lol. Hope this helps, roger

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It helps a lot.

Here's what I realized had actually happened.

I had pressed the valet button instead of traction control in the glove compartment (I wanted to turn traction control off for some reason) and had forgotten about it.

Thats when the power fuel door and power trunc door 'stopped working'

On the way home I again opened the glove compartment, realized that the valet button was depressed and released it (I also disingaged traction control).

When I got home, the fuel door and trunc 'miraculously' started working again. Ummm... I did not make the connection until now. Ummm... wacko.gif

Thanks biggrin.gif

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