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New Harmonic from Transmission/Transaxle?


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Last night and today I noticed a new harmonic which seems to be from the transmission and/or transaxle.

It is faint, a little fainter than the normal harmonic whine of the drive train, and occurs at low speed. If I am going 10 or 15 mph, and give the gas a little push and then let off quickly, say, to get another 3 or 5 mph in speed, then, as the engine rpms wind down when I take my foot off the gas, but the car speed has not decreased yet, I can hear it.

There is also what seems to be the same noise when I'm going up a grade at low speed, not hitting the throttle, about 5-7 mph, under load. It comes on for a second or so, and then goes away as I accelerate.

Had a trans fluid change a coupla months ago, and the mechanic said things looked fine.

Car has 77k miles.

And, by the way, I was out of town awhile ago and it seems that BBobynsky is no longer contributing. What happened?

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Have you checked the transmission fluid level since it was changed? And this next question may seem out in left field but humor me anyway. Do you or have you used fuel or injector cleaners and how much? I'm referring to the kind that you pour into the gas tank.

"Burns" rubber

" I've never considered myself to be all that conservative, but it seems the more liberal some people get the more conservative I become. "

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Check the tranny fluid first as Kger2 noted, then check the steering fluid, low fluid can cause a whine.

Its possible that an accessory is causing the noise, like the alternator, serp belt tensioner, idler wheel or the compressor pulley. Does it whine at idle so that you can listen to the accessories?

Check your serp belt for wear, cracks

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