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Wassup everyone,

How are ya'll doin today? Well here is the problem I am having, I just bought a 1988 Cadillac Sedan Deville about 3 weeks ago everything was goin fine up untill about sunday night. Sunday night on my way to my girlfriends house my panal light started to flicker, then they cut off. When they cut off the light on the tape player that tell time and radio station went off too. My interior lights, Brake Lights, Panal Lights,Power Door Locks are all out. Then yesterday morning I went outside and started my car and they started working again so I test drove it around the neighborhood they worked for like 5 min then stopped again. Before this happend i noticed that there was something wrong, cause the display on the stereo would only work at night when the headlights came on and sometime the display on the climate control and the gas meter wont appear but the display on the stereo whould.if anyone knows what this could be. please reply I have to get my car back on the road. Thank You...


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Check the battery cables for corrosion and tightness. Clean the terminals good and retighten them. Check to see if the battery is good. Also check the grounds on the car. A loose ground will cause all kinds of trouble with the electronics.

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