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1998 Cadillac STS


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Hey guys im in the middle of changing my drivers side cv joint and I having a big problem getting the cupler out of the transmission. i unclamped the clamp so I could pull the rest of the cv joint out, But now the only thing stopping me is the coupler in the tranny. Is there any tricks to it. Please help if any info. Thanks guys.

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I think the newer cars require a large 'C' tool and a slide hammer. I just tried to change mine on the 2001 and had the same problem. The newer service manual mentions these 2 tools.

They used to simply pop out.

Anyway, I had to put off the repair for another day.

Many part stores will rent these tools.

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Its only 5:50 pm......he may still be able to find a parts store still open that have the slide hammer and tool.

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