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HELP laugh.gif Does anybody know what to do about backfire probles I bought a Cadillac DeVille 1990 with 106,000 miles and I immidiatly had a muffler change wich blew up at the first day they investigate on it and changed spark plugs and cables did not work after 3 days I finally took to another Diagnostics shop which worked on it for 3 more days this time they replaced the computer a ignicion switch some cabling and a distributor cap and also a fuel filter they said the pump was OK the car was running fine when I went to Midas to get another muffler went home and them later on at night it started to acting up again choking and then pop another muffler the mechanics said they checked te sensors also I really dont know what could be sad.gif

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My 94 deville did the same exact thing and is using gas like a mother@#%$&!.. Found some melted wires on what I believe is IAC sensor and seemed to slow down problem a lil but still does once in a while..I havent put a new muffler on yet cause I know its goin to blow it apart too! Lookin for any help with ya man!!!! sad.gif

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The car is fixed they found a problem with the engine mounts when accelereted the engine would lean foward pulling the ground wire this way, I don,t know wich ground but I can ask him later, good luck,Batuki wink.gif

Thanks for the feedback! That was a really hard problem to diagnose, glad you got it...

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