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cool.gif I have a 01 seville sls with 31000 miles.This is the second time this has happened. I will be stopped for a light and the car will surge'like someone hit you in the rear. The rpms doesn't change,but the front end will jump.It acts like it is in the tranny. Has one else had this problem?


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cool.gif Well my cadillac is back at the dealer. It now not only surges,after they put in the speed sensors,it also stalls out completely. They can not find any codes on the computer at all.The service manager was going to drive it home to see if it would do it for him.I am glad it is still under warranty.They gave me an 06 DTS to drive,while they are working on it.It seems to be a great car,but uses a lot more gas than my 01 sls. I will let you know,what happens next.


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