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93 STS Rear suspension


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I spent last Saturday dealing with a hole in my passenger-side muffler but, while under the car, I was horrified to see that the rear half of the "U" clip attaching the lower rear wheel suppension support plate had rusted through. This means that one of the two lower plate pivot bolts is only attached to the rear sub-frame at its forward end. The clip holding the forward pivot bolt appears to be in reasonable shape - in fact, most of the sub-frame is solid although clearly showing signs of corrosion.

As it turns out, the left side of the car has exactly the same problem - rear side of the rear clip has totally rusted away.

I love this car and, for the most part, its in good conditon. However, unless you know something I don't about transplanting a rear sub-frame, I think I have a candidate for the junk-yard.

Any thoughts?


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Are you talking about where the lower control arm attaches to the frame? I know we have different cars buy my lower control arm attaches at two locations with two bolts is that what you are talking about? Mike

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Ummm...its actually good you found the issue. Certainly before a 100mph surprise...

I think its fixable 2 ways.

The rear suspension is like 2 suspensions in one. The control arm rotates some....then your bad assembly rotates to the car. This rear assembly could be replace economically with a used unit.

Or...the specfic U mount could be replace with channel I beam type steel.


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Rotate is the wrong word.

The rear carrier is mounted using bushings. So...the carrier is the problem....just need a non rusted carrier.

At least its the carrier and NOT the car body. Most rears are mounted directly to the car body....Yes...then you would be screwed.

The fact that there is a replaceable carrier makes this worth fixing.

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It will take you a while. But try www.car-part.com . This is where I found my steering column.

Expect to make a couple of dozen phone calls. But I bet you could find a carrier for maybe $300-500 range.

I think it may be worth trying to get the arms also. Just to fix any strange wear and tear issues on the old ones..

Also...focus on South and West yards.

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I agree with Logan, I would find a new carriage, big job to do yourself, but you get to replace a whole host of components while you do the job, it brake lines, brake hoses, bushings, etc.. I would imagine that you could find this easily in a scrap yard.

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Replacement of just the clips looks like a bear. Also, it means assuming the remainder of the sub-frame is in reasonable shape, which is probably a mistake.

So, replacing the carrier seems to be the method of choice. This leads to "What's the carrier?" Or actually, how much of the rear framework should I be looking for?

Thanks for your comments and suggestions - they've been very helpful.


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From the picture....#1 is what you need. You have all the other parts. I agree...your #1 could have other issues.

It will be faster for the yard to simply offer you the complete rear end...arms...brakes...shocks...etc.

Then you will have to swap out everything....could be done in a single long afternoon.

Going back in time to GM rear drive cars. You would never repair a rear end, it was much cheaper and faster to install a used unit.

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