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Recent Changes Without Explanation?

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There have been some recent changes here on our forum, and I have had to edit a few posts that I wish I did not. I appreciate that these changes are not what everyone had in mind, but they were necessary under the circumstances. In all cases I have tried to respect the wishes and best interest of the authors. For now, let's drop the topics that are getting edited out, and focus on our normal program.

There is a newer version of the board software out now, and in the near future I hope to get updated to that. One feature I want is the ability to pickup RSS feeds. This will allow better news flow to the forum. There are a couple of interesting news feeds I would like to add already, and we'll probably find more as we go.


2023 Cadillac CT4-V Blackwing

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Sorry if my recent reply to a certain subject also had to be edited out.

I'm in Mangement, so I understand how it is at times...

I hear ya Bob D about the new forum features, bring 'em on.

'nuff said fer now :)

Add power to leave problems behind. Most braking is just - poor planning.
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Maybe. I've heard stuff like that before but I'm not trying to push this any further...


Christopher Petro

94 sts

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Please, read my initial post in this thread.

Yes, there have been some changes. This forum has to continue to evolve. Sometimes this is driven by what we want, sometimes it is driven by technology changes, and sometimes it is driven by outside influences.

No, we're not going to talk a lot about the recent changes. They are done. Sometime when we are all retired we can all sit around and have drinks and discuss ad infinitum. More likely we'll be busy talking about cars instead, but might come up. I personally can't wait for hybrid or electric Cadillacs to come along, as I love that sort of thing.

For now, let's not focus on this issue. If you have any specific questions or complaints or issues please address them to me in email instead of here on the forums. IS there something going on? Certainly; there often is. What is the something? Doesn't matter particularly. The thing is we will continue with our normal discussion topics and I hope that you will participate.


2023 Cadillac CT4-V Blackwing

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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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Yes, much thanks to Bruce for providing and regularly maintaining this discussion board. Everything one could want to learn about Cadillacs and even some Off Topic entertainment. It just doesn't get any better......but wait.....it's about to get better. Someone pinch me. Ok Bruce the check is in the mail.




"Burns" rubber

" I've never considered myself to be all that conservative, but it seems the more liberal some people get the more conservative I become. "

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