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ABS Light


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I just replaced the rear brake pads on my 94' Eldorado per the factory shop manual. Everything went easily and by the book but now, the ABS light on the dash is on. Any suggestions on what to look for? The rear suspension has so much 'stuff' going on, I can't tell where the ABS sensors are located or if I need to reset something after changing the pads.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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I just replaced the rear brake pads on my 94' Eldorado per the factory shop manual. Everything went easily and by the book but now, the ABS light on the dash is on. Any suggestions on what to look for? The rear suspension has so much 'stuff' going on, I can't tell where the ABS sensors are located or if I need to reset something after changing the pads.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Had the same thing happen to me. The cause was just the plug not being fully 'home'. Right behind there rear break backing plates you'll fine the ABS plug. Gently remove it, check to make sure it's dirt and grime free, then carefully reseat it. That most likely will cure the light. If you run the codes in the onboard diagnostic, they will even steer you to which side (LR, RR) it is. Or, just re-seat both.

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I just replaced the rear brake pads on my 94' Eldorado per the factory shop manual. Everything went easily and by the book but now, the ABS light on the dash is on. Any suggestions on what to look for? The rear suspension has so much 'stuff' going on, I can't tell where the ABS sensors are located or if I need to reset something after changing the pads.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Had the same thing happen to me. The cause was just the plug not being fully 'home'. Right behind there rear break backing plates you'll fine the ABS plug. Gently remove it, check to make sure it's dirt and grime free, then carefully reseat it. That most likely will cure the light. If you run the codes in the onboard diagnostic, they will even steer you to which side (LR, RR) it is. Or, just re-seat both.

What BobD mentioned fixed my ABS light problem as well. Well actually....hehee .....Dave the mechanic just forgot to plug the one side back on. I knew (99% sure) immediately what the cause was and steered Dave to the culprit. Not quite as bad as forgetting to tighten the oil drain plug but annoying none the less.

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