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I had a few spare minutes


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I'll hang on to mine for awhile However my wife might trade her 05 base deville she likes the older body style better. darn I found these cadillac emblems in a flea market a couple months ago for 3 bucks each. I offered the guy 5 for both and got them for the 5..So I popped them on..Not sure if I like them though I'm not used of seeing the colors in the cadillac emblems..



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The base Deville and the DHS use the color ones. The DTS uses the gray ones.

So in my case....I did just the opposite on the fake DTS.....off with the color ones and put the grays on.

Also.....FYI.....2 versions of both available... early cars have the 7 nuggets on top....latter cars use the newer smooth tops. This also extends to wheel covers and the air bag cover etc.

I also replaced my '32vnorthstar' with the newer NS emblem like yours.

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Hi Logan

You have your dts looking good. It was actually funny the last time i was at the dealer the porter was backing my car into the mechanics stall. The mechanic is looking at the rear of my car and asks what year is this one I told him an 01 His reply was Dude this ain't no 01 I had to laugh and told him hey I know how to swap logo's..I put the smooth top emblems but the one's with the colors Eventually I may put the old emblems back I have the 3m double stick tape to refurbish the sticky backs of the emblems..How do you like the new cluster??I like the dts cluster much better over the digital ones.

Thanks for the info



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